My Cinematic Alphabet

Posted on April 8, 2011. Filed under: Memes and Blogathons, Ramblings | Tags: , , |

It’s meme time again folks! I caught this over at Ruth’s and firgured seeing as I haven’t posted much in a while I’d give it a whirl.

One favourite movie for each letter of the alphabet. Simples.

A is for Armageddon

B is for Benny and Joon

C is for Casino Royale

Because it converted me on Bond.

D is for Die Hard

E is for Edward Scissorhands

F is for Forrest Gump

G is for Ghostbusters

H is for Happy Feet

I is for Indiana Jones

J is for Jurassic Park

K is for Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

L is for Lord of the Rings

M is for The Matrix

N is for Notting Hill

O is for O Brother, Where Art Thou?

P is for Pirates of the Caribbean

Q is for….um…I’ll get back to you on that one

R is for Romeo and Juliet

S is for Star Wars

T is for Toy Story

U is for The Untouchables

“That’s the Chicago way!”

V is for V for Vendetta

W is for Withnail & I

X is for X Men

Y is for Young Frankenstein

I’m cheating massively with this one as the only scene I’ve seen is the one pictured. But based on that alone, I know this film is brilliant.

Z is for Zoolander

Blue Steel.

Mostly this is the first film that came into my head beginning with that letter. But some letters were harder than others.

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