Underrated Actors Part 2: Colin Farrell

Posted on May 28, 2010. Filed under: Ramblings, Underrated Actors | Tags: , , |

I wrote a post about Jim Carrey being underrated a while back, but I’ve been waiting to write another one on the subject until I had  re-watched a particular movie. Did that last night so here it is.

Colin Farrell is an actor I’ve known since the BallyK days, yet he’s not often grouped together with collections of great actors,(those of you who included him in your St Paddy’s days posts excepted).  I think, like a lot of actors, he falls into the trap of being so well known as a person that people almost forget that he’s an actor too.  His wildboy persona seemed to overshadow his acting for a while back there, but now that he seems to have calmed down, we’re starting to see the talent first.

The movie that really made me sit up and take notice was Phone Booth.  It’s just an awesome movie which is so full of tension that it’s probably a good thing it only runs for 77mins.  It’s genius is in its simplicity: man answers phone, all hell breaks loose, but the entire film rests on one man and that man is Colin Farrell.

You barely notice while watching the film that it’s set entirely in that one little booth and the street around it.  The camera almost never cuts away from Farrell.  Even when he’s not part of the action the box-shot editing means he’s still on screen.  With a lesser actor that might get boring, but Farrell gives an unexpectedly powerful performance which is both sympathetic and flawed.  Difficult to pull off, especially when you have to do the whole thing in somebody else’s accent!

I’ve seen relatively few Farrell movies, and I know he’s been in some howlers, but I think Phone Booth alone proves that he is a very strong actor.  I think his inclusion in the stella Parnassus line up shows that the movie world is starting to come around to him as a great actor as well as a colourful character. I’m on the look out now for more of his films to see if he is really as good as I think he can be.  In Bruges is next on my hit list.

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8 Responses to “Underrated Actors Part 2: Colin Farrell”

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Buckle up baby – Colin’s IN BRUGES handiwork is gonna rock your world.

I can’t say precisely why, but his supporting role in MINORITY REPORT has always stuck with me, perhaps because he seems a bit more dialed-down. Then again, where farrell is concerned it might well be impossible for him ever to top his coming-out party in TIGERLAND…easily the grittiest thing he’s done so far.

he he I need to get my hands on that movie. I really wanted to see it when it was coming out but I somehow never managed it.

I’ve never heard of Tigerland but it sounds like I need to see it.

“I’ve never heard of Tigerland but it sounds like I need to see it.”

Do yourself a favour, grab it at the same time as IN BRUGES…then turn your cell phone off for a few hours. You can write a post thanking me for the idea afterwards.

as soon as it happens i will

Apparently I need to see more of his work. I always disliked the guy and then he was pretty good in “Crazy Heart.”

…check out “In Bruges” M. Carter…I think you may find you quite like it!

Ross McD will love this – hes good friends with The Farrell
for what its worth, i still think his accent in Minority Report is better than most American actors’

Hi everyone! I was away for a week but it’s great to come back and find you’ve been commenting 🙂

Yes Meredith you do need to see more of his work. So do I. I definitely need to see In Bruges.

Oh look I’m agreeing with Ross McD again. I think I’ve found my soulmate 😛

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